World Courts of Women
Courts of Women

World Courts of Womenprioritizes healing. 50 global events later, they tackle the impact on marginalised voices, urging justice through healing, not retribution.

The World Courts of Women, have held 50 events globally.The Courts of Women are an unfolding of space, an imaginary: a horizon that invites us to think, to feel, to challenge, to connect, to dance, to dream. It is an attempt to define a new space for women, and to infuse this space with a new vision, a new politics. It is a gathering of voices and visions of the global south, locating itself in a discourse of dissent: in itself it is a dislocating practice, challenging the new world order of globalization, crossing lines, breaking new ground: listening to the voices and movements in the margins. The Courts of Women seek to weave together the objective reality (through analyses of the issues) with the subjective testimonies of the women; the personal with the political; the logical with the lyrical (through video testimonies, artistic images and poetry); the rational with the intuitive; urging us to discern fresh insights, offering us other ways to know, inviting us to seek deeper layers of knowledge; towards creating a new knowledge paradigm. The Courts of Women are public hearings: the Court is used in a symbolic way. In the Courts, the voices of the victims/ survivors are listened to. Women bring their personal testimonies of violence to the Court: the Courts are sacred spaces where women, speaking in a language of suffering, name the crimes, seeking redress, even reparation.
In response to the pandemic’s harsh effects, the Courts of Women highlight the often-overlooked struggles of vulnerable populations, emphasizing the urgent need for a justice paradigm centered on healing. The event explores testimonies of pain and resilience, aiming to reimagine justice through the narratives of those affected and the insights of experts and practitioners in the field.The Courts of Women, initiated by the Asian Women’s Human Rights Council and collaborating women’s rights groups, transcend borders as transformative spaces aiming to amplify the voices of women, both victims and resilient activists. These courts go beyond conventional discourse by combining objective analyses, personal testimonials, artistic elements, and poetry, constructing a new knowledge paradigm that challenges globalization and addresses various forms of violence against women. Representing a profound shift in the narrative of women’s human rights, the Courts of Women not only listen to victims’ harrowing accounts but also highlight stories of resistance. This movement advocates for a broader discourse that includes women’s knowledge, seeks to decolonize structures, and fosters transformative justice encompassing redress, reparation, truth, and reconciliation. Through diverse voices, these courts promote equality rooted in the dignity of historically dispossessed individuals, providing a platform for a collective reimagining of justice within civil society and social movements.
The Courts of Women represent a counter-hegemonic history, focusing on the margins and journeys rather than a fixed destination. Rooted in the experiences of social groups at the margins, such as the global south, indigenous peoples, and marginalized communities, these courts articulate new imaginaries challenging dominant narratives. The urgency to dismantle centralizing logic, disruptive actions, and trespassing boundaries characterize the Courts of Women. They emphasize the need to question existing power structures and create new knowledge and political paradigms.
The praxis of the Courts involves wise women and men forming juries, addressing various forms of violence like war, militarization, and the feminization of poverty. Testimonies and judgments contribute to international campaigns, fostering knowledge and alternative thinking to address women’s human rights violations. These courts, diverse in aesthetics and emphasis, share a common methodology challenging dominant ways of knowing. Connected by a global movement since 1992, the Courts of Women have grown into a force gathering momentum, deepening their vision of justice, transformation, and making violence against women unthinkable across over 30 courts in the global south.